By Jared Mair

With the correct levels of light, water, temperature and humidity orchids can be grown successfully in most homes. The key decision is selecting an orchid that is suitable for your area's climate and conditions. There are over 25,000 different types of orchids so you are probably best to use the wealth of information found on the internet to determine this.


You should place your orchid in an area which receive large amount of sunlight most of the day and is away from any sort of drafts. A window sill that is exposed to the sun all day is an excellent choice.

But what if you don't have a sunny window or live in an area with typically cloudy weather? A choice is to use fluorescent lightning. To get the best effects, the lightning should left on for at least 12 hours and maybe longer, depending on the orchids species you are growing.

How much water for your orchid?

For most orchids, you should water your plant only when the soil is dry. However, some orchids can tolerate soaked soil and in fact, can flourish in it. However, check the watering requirements for your species of orchid.


The correct temperature for your orchid will vary according to the species that you are growing. This typically ranges from 50 degrees F to 75 degrees F. Commercially available orchids typically require the lower range of these temperatures. Remember that your orchid doesn't like the cold so be sure to move it away from the window during cold nights.


Humidity is important for orchids. You can increase the humidity level by placing them on top of pebbles set down in a tray filled with water. Regularly spraying the orchids with distiled water from a spray bottle can also raise the humidity level.

Orchid lovers who are looking for articles on growing orchids for beginners or where to buy orchids can purchase a wide range of easy to care for orchids from Jared Mair's online orchid store. Click here to get your own unique version of this article.

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