All About the Wild Orchids

By Daniel Roshard

It may be surprising to most people, but orchids happen to be the largest naturally occurring order in the plant world in terms of the number of different distinct kinds. In the wild, more than thousands of different varieties of orchids exist with hundreds of thousands of hybrids. Wild orchid flowers also come in a gamut of different characteristics in practically every color or shade. This is why wild orchids are very much prized by people all over the world.

Orchids grow in the wild, thriving mostly in dense forests and jungles, making them such exotic members of the botanical world. Wild orchids exist practically in every planet save, of course, for Antarctica where plant life can hardly survive.

There are three different general types of orchids that grow in the wild. Terrestrial orchids such as Cymbidiums and Paphiopedilums, are those that grow on the ground, particularly in marshes. Epiphytic orchids are those that usually grow on rocks or trees, from which they can anchor themselves with their roots to absorb water and nutrients. Saprophytic orchids are those that thrive in decayed plants, these do not have green leaves and are not really much grown as ornamental plants because of their lack of beauty.

Caring for Wild Orchids

Most people think of wild orchids as very delicate plants that need complicated steps for care, but actually, orchids are very easy to care for. It is not like the bonsai plant which requires a lot of attention. Since wild orchids grow in the wild, they can pretty much fend for themselves. Of course you can expect that wild orchids would have to adjust when you bring them to your home. Here are some important steps to make it easy for a wild orchid to thrive in civilization:

The important thing about growing wild orchids is to maintain an environment that it prefers. You do not necessarily have to grow a jungle at home, you just need to make sure that the place where you put the wild orchid has the right amount of humidity, temperature, light and air. You also need to provide it with ample water and food.

1. Humidity - wild orchids need around 60% humidity. If you live in a dry area, you may either buy a humidity tray or surround the orchid with trays filled with water and rocks.

2. Temperature - wild orchids are not really picky about temperature, just do not subject it to extremes. When it is very cold you may bring the orchid somewhere warm. If it gets hot, you can just spray water to cool it.

3. Light - orchids are also not so sensitive to light, they generally can withstand direct sunlight or no light for long periods.

4. Air - Orchids do need good ventilation, however, so it is important to make sure it gets ample air, but not too much wind.

5. Water - check the place where the orchid is attached to, if it is moist, then the plant probably has enough water, if it is dry, you might need to add more.

6. Food - although wild orchids need some amount of fertilizer, it should not get too much. It is often advisable to dilute the fertilizer with lots of water to prevent fertilizer build-up.

Wild orchids are very good additions to one's garden or home. If you want to know more about wild orchids, you can consult with the many resources available in book stores, libraries and online.

Learn more facts about the Wild Orchid and more information about Orchid Supplies at the website

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